Sanitechniek PVBA was founded in 1984; then, after the expansion of our activities, Sanitechniek NV was founded in 1987. Sanitechniek has been a part of the Willemen Groep, Belgium’s largest family-owned construction company, since 1999. Our team consists of 50 motivated employees.

Sporthal - Lier
HVAC (and SANITAIR)Sports hall and 3 dance...

Sint Amadeus - Mortsel
HVAC and SANITARY Multi-purpose wing...
ABC Hugo - Antwerpen
HVAC 84 social housing units Individual boilers A - B block: individual boilers Vaillant Collective roof fans C block: individual ventilation Healthbox Renson
Project Details
Victor Hugostraat - Téophile Gautierstraat, Antwerpen Linkeroever , Belgium
Artes Roegiers nv
Artuur cvba